Argumentative essay on abortions
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Statements about Justice
Chapter by chapter list Introduction To Kill a Mocking Bird The Merchant of Venice Conclusion Works Cited Introduction For some years dramatization has been utilized as a methods for modifying social recognition as to different social issues. For instance, writing on the issue shows that compelling utilization of dramatization can change understudy demeanor towards different inescapable issues, for example, tormenting (Belliveau, 136). In this report an examination will be performed on two great writings to recognize articulations about equity woven inside them. It is trusted that such proclamations can be made into plays and used to show social equity all through society.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Statements about Justice explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More To Kill a Mocking Bird In this content one of the announcements about equity that gets evident as the story constructs is the nearness of racial bias in Maycomb (Lee, 25). This is made o bvious by watching the depiction gave in the content about the preliminary of Tom Robinson. The blamed is a dark man and has been accused of the assault of Mayella Ewell, little girl of Bob Ewell. Regardless of the way that there is little proof that can convincingly demonstrate blame of the charged, the court continues to see him as liable and sentences him to jail. The way wherein the preliminary is completed and the judge’s demeanor show that the preliminary of a dark man particularly for a situation against a white woman was impacted to a huge degree by desires for the network rather than the realities. Further the response of the town individuals towards Atticus and his family after his choice to speak to Tom show the presence of racial partiality in the Maycomb people group. Another announcement on equity that shows up in the content is the absence of reasonableness in the Maycomb people group. Over the span of the preliminary it becomes obvious that in spite of the way that Mayella has been assaulted and wounded, her wounds could just have been brought about by a left given individual (Lee, 26). The content continues to set up that her Father, an alcoholic is left given and in all likelihood is the culprit of the wrongdoing. This unjustifiable preliminary is humiliating to individuals, for example, Ms. Maudie who decay to join in (Lee, 26). Such recommendations in the content permit the end that the content shows the nonattendance of balance in arrangement of equity in Maycomb. The individuals of Maycomb as depicted in the content demonstrate that the network was not set up in balance. This is seen in the scene that depicts the normal and good people of the town ganging up and putting forth an attempt to lynch Tom Robinson. This endeavor is just upset with the mediation of Atticus which sees him marked a â€Å"nigger lover†(Lee, 61). This reality is additionally called attention to in an examination of the realities of this time shows tha t during this period more than 600 comparative occurrences were accounted for (Lee, 61). It is likewise shown that these occasions were executed by ordinary and good town society the same in an offer to keep up the predominance of the Anglo Saxon race (Lee, 61). This data just goes further to demonstrate the veracity of the story corresponding to the era.Advertising Looking for exposition on sociologies? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, the story additionally gives a genuine case of articulations about equity in the activities of Boo Radley. Following the humiliating preliminary Bob Ewell pledges to deliver retribution on Atticus and his family for supposedly harming his notoriety. In the occasions that follow a maddened Bob Ewell assaults the youngsters Scout and Jem in an isolated spot (Lee, 69). In the showdown that follows an obscure more bizarre goes to the children’s help and makes all the difference. This obscure more abnormal ends up being the hermitic Boo Radley. Over the span of the content this character has been depicted as a withdrawn individual sneaking behind the shadows. This activity by Boo to ensure the privileges of the blameless gives an intense articulation about equity. Sadly in the process the aggressor is seriously harmed and looses his life furnishing us with a circumstance that gives a gentle proclamation on discipline of the blameworthy. The Merchant of Venice In the sad satire delineated in this content the topic of preference is demonstrated in the activity of Antonio towards Shylock. In the content, Shylock, is in the matter of loaning cash with enthusiasm to individuals of the town. Antonio is a rich vendor and furthermore now and again loans cash to the town society without premium. It is conceivable that the counter Semitic disposition Antonio shows by spitting on Shylock is because of corrupt strategic policies (Stevens and Shakespeare, 33). The Jews in Eu rope during this period were savvy businessmen and subsequently there was a lot of jealousy among them and the nearby populace. The content additionally gives scenes that delineate injustice in the public arena. This is seen in the content representing an experience among Antonio and Shylock in a consultation on the obligation owed by Antonio. On this event Shylock carries on unjustifiably likely in retribution for a past contradiction (Stevens and Shakespeare, 33). The segment of the content portrays how Basanio after knowing about his comrade’s difficulty hurries to his guide. While trying to determine the issue Basanio offers to settle the obligation by offering multiple times the chief sum. Shylock expeditiously denies this offer expressing that the agreement among him and Antonio permits him to extricate a pound of tissue as remuneration. Shylock in an explanation that displays his injustice by will not acknowledge the proposal by Basanio and demands the extraction of su bstance to reimburse the obligation (Stevens and Shakespeare, 34). It ought to be noticed that by law the duke is qualified for parley and should see to the regarding of an agreement. The duke is in this manner limited by the agreement notwithstanding Shylock’s absurd requests. This demonstrates how much the general public respects the significance The duke being limited by the agreement acknowledges the endeavors of intermediation by Balthazar. This Balthazar happens to be Basanio’s lady of the hour who in camouflage makes a sharp endeavor to parley (Stevens and Shakespeare, 134). The Duke by yielding to this alternative shows decency in standing firm in implementing a legitimate contract.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Statements about Justice explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More As prior expressed the Duke assumes a job of the most noteworthy lawful expert in the land. In the event that the Duke were to permit Antonio to break an agreement that was lawfully made in his quality it would set a terrible legitimate priority. Consequently the Duke is compelled to stay by the law with respect to contracts. Luckily for Antonio the cunning plot by the impostors uncovers an imperfection in the lawful agreement. It is built up that however the agreement permits the extraction of substance it makes no notice of blood (Stevens and Shakespeare, 166). The impostors in this manner request that Shylock extricate the pound of tissue without drawing any blood or hazard relinquishing the obligation. This situation likewise gives another case of decency. Shylock having been resolved in accepting his due in the way expressed in the agreement can't uphold it in the way expressed. What follows is Shylock hesitantly acknowledges annihilation and acknowledges to get money installment in lieu of the obligation. Be that as it may, since he had declined it the law presently requires he relinquishes everything (Stevens and Shakespear e, 170). This likewise depicts an announcement about decency. The content additionally gives an announcement on preference on the event when Jessica, Shylock’s little girl absconds with Lorenzo (Stevens and Shakespeare, 64). The youngster, Lorenzo is a Christian and Jessica steals away with him taking a generous measure of her father’s riches simultaneously (Stevens and Shakespeare, 64). This reality that his little girl will change over to Christianity causes Shylock much resentment proposing his aversion for Christians. This reality is upheld by Shylock’s proclamation on meeting Antonio portraying his abhorrence for Christians (Stevens and Shakespeare, 28). End In this report the conversation introduced has endeavored to give data that uncovers different articulations about equity woven into the content. The two writings can be utilized to speak to networks far and wide and their relations. It is conceivable that through perception of these networks and how th ey relate we also can figure out how to improve our current circumstance. It has been accounted for that expressions, particularly dramatization can be a decent mode for making mindfulness and changing observations about unreasonable social issues. It is trusted that through the examination of these writings our schools might be urged to look for new intends to instruct the youthful age on social issues.Advertising Searching for article on sociologies? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Works Cited Belliveau, George. â€Å"An Art Based Approach to Teach Social Justice: Drama as a Way to Address Bullying in Schools.†International Journal of Arts Education 3.2 (2005): 136-165. Print. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird: Blooms Guides: Comprehensive Research and Study Guides. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2010.Print. Stevens, John, and William Shakespeare. The Merchant of Venice. Clayton: Prestwick House Inc, 2005. Print. This exposition on Statements about Justice was composed and presented by client Lauryn T. to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for examination and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; notwithstanding, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay --
Salary imbalance is when pay is unevenly appropriated in a nation. This disparity has arrived at amazing statures over the world. Indeed, even in what we consider created nations this difference is just expanding. The reasons for money balance can go anyplace from migration to the strategies and governmental issues of a nation. In any case, a few pundits of pay imbalance will contend that it will consistently be available and is important to invigorate development. In any case, the issue isn't just that the hole between poor people and the rich is enlarging yet that pay disparity is causing destroying business sector and government disappointments. We look specifically to the instance of the United States. The US is the world’s driving force and hegemon, who likewise has the world’s most elevated GDP and GDP per capita. In any case, lately the hole between the rich and poor people has been developing at a quick pace. This predominance of pay disparity in a free market society like the US demonstrates that imbalance is an immediate aftereffect of a market or government disappointment. In a free market it is accepted that people have an equivalent chance to be effectively, but since of misallocation of assets in a market economy this is beyond the realm of imagination. The assets I am alluding to here are those that are required for an individual to get away from destitution and win a higher pay. This incorporates legitimacy and open products that people with higher wages can manage the cost of and entertain themselves with while individuals with lower livelihoods or experiencing destitution rely upon some blessing from the state, for example, human services, instruction, and access to work openings and expert systems. It is critical to a general public that we deal with these market disappointments to not just assistance decline pay disparity... ...vity. Moreover, the bill has the possibly to additionally expand the salary disparity hole. For instance, understudies who can’t bear the cost of the expense of advanced education yet whose guardians get a lot of cash-flow to fit the bill for government help will in any case be compelled to take out private credits to support their training. â€Å"These advances can add up to somewhere in the range of $50,000 to $60,000 when an understudy graduates, in spite of going to an open university†(The Student Loan, 2012). This thusly, will make understudies settle on decisions dependent on the expense of advanced education instead of their own which implies less talented works and people financing U.S markets and more pay disparity. At last, despite the fact that the bill lowered the expense of advanced education it does nothing to dispose of the expense completely and shockingly not so much doable since it was shot somewhere near the Committee of Education and Workforce.
Friday, August 21, 2020
When Do I Submit Standardized Test Scores TKG
When Do I Submit Standardized Test Scores We know--you have dozens of deadlines that you’re struggling to balance during this process. You have to get all of your forms in on time, write your essays, and on top of everything, you have to continue to exceed in school. One deadline that trips most people up is when to submit standardized test scores. We know you’re short on time, so here we are:You need to submit your standardized test scores ~3 weeks before you hit submit on your application. This not only allows enough time for your scores to be sent from the testing agency, but it allows for them to make an error and for you to still get them in on time. Got it? Mark it down in your calendars. 3 weeks before you hit submit. If you’re applying early (Nov. 1) then you need to submit your test scores by October 11. If you’re applying regular (Jan. 1) then you need to submit your test scores by December 11. It’s easy if your plan ahead.If you’re going to be taking your exam sooner than 3 weeks before the application deadline, then you’re going to have to send your scores directly to the school (read: do not pass go, do not collect $200, fast pass those numbers). When you take any standardized test, you can opt to send scores directly with your college’s code. Make sure you have yours on hand, and you’re good. Let us know if you have any questions. We’re here to help make your life easier, but we can’t do that if you don’t raise your hand.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Great Wall Of China - 905 Words
It has been said that the Great Wall of China is so immense that it can be seen from space with just the human eye. Unfortunately, that is simply a rumor and has been confirmed false. Nonetheless, the Great Wall of China is also the world’s longest wall and biggest piece of ancient architecture, which is still a pretty big deal. Its official length is about 13,170 miles long, more than four times the width of the United States. The wall crosses over ten provinces and cities, including Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, and Liaoning. There is no definite period of time from when the wall began to when it was finished, but archeologists believe the main sections of the wall were built between 221-206 BC. Now knowing it’s deep roots and it’s extensive land coverage, it is no surprise that the salvation of this remarkable structure is in jeopardy. In my paper I will focus on issues including the preservation, conservati on, and overall management of the Great Wall of China, which shed significant light on the complex history and ethical issues related to this monument. I will argue that enforcement of government regulations and the promotions of keeping the wall unsoiled and beautiful are necessary actions with respect to the monument’s care and preservation today, and must be regarded further in light of aesthetic and national concerns. The Great Wall of China has always been mistaken as a single wall, but in reality it isShow MoreRelatedThe Great Wall Of China1196 Words  | 5 Pagesincludes modules of ________ so you can see the construction of _____ Today I am going to be presenting the Great Wall of China and what political and military reasons it was built for. The construction was a feat of great magnitude and reflected the innovations and technological advancements of the Ancient Chinese. The reason I have decided to focus upon the Ancient Chinese is because I find China a very interesting civilisation. The ancient Chinese civilisation began 7,000 to 8,000 years ago and aboutRead MoreThe Great Wall Of China1123 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Great Wall] demonstrates the manifestation of the wisdom and tenacity of the Chinese people.†( China is considered one of the world’s oldest civilizations with the first dynasty beginning in 221 B.C.. A famous icon of this great civilization is the Great Wall of China, or known to the Chinese as Wan Li Chang Cheng. During the Warring States period, many feudal societies built their own sections for security. Eventually the walls were connected and there was a unified China. WithRead MoreThe Great Wall Of China1266 Words  | 6 Pages The Great Wall of China James Allen World History 1st period February 1, 2015 The first unified Chinese empire was formed in 221 B.C., that was when seven states were brought together by Shi Huangdi, a conqueror from the state of Qin. Shi Huangdi means â€Å"first emperor.†Until the twentieth century all rulers of imperial China called themselves the emperor. The emperor was believed, by the people of China, to be the son of heaven, God-like. They believed that each ofRead MoreThe Great Wall Of China1641 Words  | 7 Pages The Great Wall of China is known as the largest construction project to be put in effect in all of world history. The wall, also known in China as long wall of 10,000 li, is a collection of numerous short walls extending along the crest of hills on the southern edge of the Mongolian plain. Although it is a common misconception that the Great Wall of China is one long continuous wall, it s structural inconsistency in no way undermines its greatness. The wall has been built, destructed, rebuiltRead MoreThe Great Wall of China6 00 Words  | 3 PagesThe Great Wall of China is an assemblage of smaller walls built by various dynasties over many years. Builders erected these walls for protection from invasions by those from the north. The Great Wall itself, with a history lasting over 2000 years, measures approximately 5,500 miles in length, although some of the sections lie in ruin or have disappeared altogether. It is about 25 feet high and is 15-30 feet wide. It is the longest man-made structure in the world. In the 7th century B.C. the firstRead MoreThe Great Wall Of China2440 Words  | 10 Pagescollectively achieve the objectives. The Great Wall of China is an example of the history of the success goal of organization. Ming dynasty, Zhengtong Emperor has forced approximately 2 to 3 millions labor to build the defense wall to protect the empire and also border control that could encourage trade. With the Zhengtong Emperor led the organization of collective effort of the people, the result is 8851.8 kilometers of defense wall, with combined of previous built great wall is 21,196 kilometers, becomingRead MoreEssay on The Great Wall of China1270 Words  | 6 PagesThe Great Wall of China is one of the greatest architectural achievements ever recorded in history. The Great Wall translates to â€Å"long fortress.†The wall was made entirely by hand. It was built to protect the Chinese from intruders from different Nomadic Tribes. The wall is about 5,500 miles long. The wall did not stretch across all of China but it stretched from Shanhaiguan in the East to Lop Nur in the West. Some people say that you can even see the wall from the moon! Wouldn’t that be somethingRead More The Great Wall of China Essay2903 Words  | 12 PagesThe Great Wall of China To the northwest and north of Beijing, a huge, serrated wall zigzags its way to the east and west along the undulating mountains. This is the Great Wall, which is said to be visible from the moon. This massive wall has not only been one of the Ancient Seven Wonders of the World, but it has also been inspiration for many artists, and writers. The building of the Great Wall is one of the biggest tragedies, but through this tragedy arose triumph with the wall, being soRead MoreGreat Wall of China Essay example1375 Words  | 6 PagesThe Great Wall of China stretches about 5,500 miles long crossing deserts, mountains, grasslands, and plateaus. It took more than 2,000 years to build this incredible manmade structure. Many people died to build this wall. It displays the changes between the agricultural and nomadic civilizations. It proves that the superb structure was very important to military defense. It became a national symbol of the Chinese as a security for their country and its p eople. The Great Wall of China must be preservedRead MoreGreat Wall of China Report Essay2063 Words  | 9 PagesThe Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is truly one of the greatest architectural achievements in recorded history. The longest structure ever built, it is about 6,700 kilometers (4,163 miles) long and made entirely by hand. This wall is said to be visible from the moon. It crosses Northern China, from the East coast to Central China (Karls, 1). This massive wall is not only one of the ancient wonders of the world, but it also has been the inspiration of many writers and artists. With
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Colorism And The Common Struggle Of Black Girls - 1921 Words
Colorism and the common struggle of black girls Over the course of the years, society has taught black girls that the darker their skin tone is, the uglier they are which triggered them to do their best to meet Eurocentric beauty standards such as having light skin, slim nose and straight hair. â€Å"It was their contempt for their own blackness that gave the first insult its teeth. They seemed to have taken all of their smoothly cultivated ignorance, their exquisitely learned self-hatred, their elaborately designed hopelessness and sucked it all up into a fiery cone of scorn that had burned for ages in the hollows of their minds  cooled  and spilled over lips of outrage, consuming whatever was in its path.†(2.4.12 Morrison). Colorism is a serious and one of the most unaddressed subject in the black community, people of color come with all types of excuses to brush it off, they also ignore the internalized racism behind it, but it should be more acknowledged and debated, that way our generation will be enlightened about it and prevent the emotional damage at best to the generation to come. Many black girls go thru social identity issues on a daily basis. Skin color has created division even within black people because fairer skin tones are highly praised in the Negro community. Discrimination is used everywhere against black girls with a deeper skin pigment per example, makeup brands neglect the commercialization of darker shades of foundation, hair products for women of colorShow MoreRelated Oprah’s Life Class on Colorism Essay1165 Words  | 5 PagesRecently on Oprah’s Life Class on Colorism, many young African American women came together to converse on a very tough topic within the community. This rising dilemma Oprah calls ‘The Secret Shame’, also known as Colorism, is a prejudice act where people within the same race discriminate against each other based on the shades of their skin. There has been a lot of talk about the privilege of lighter skin over darker skin tones and how it has truly effected African Americans as a whole. Peopl e ofRead MoreThe Disease Known As Colorism2165 Words  | 9 Pages The Disease known as Colorism Justin Tyler Hampton University Abstract What defines who we are: is it where we come from, who our parents are, how much money we have, what we look like, or is it what we do with our lives? The truth is, the answer to this question is very complex, and there is no one true answer, but when looking from the eyes of America one of the major contributing factors to this is race. In the world that we live, being black has become known as something negativeRead MoreThe Stereotypical Black Woman Essay1985 Words  | 8 Pages‘The media is the most powerful mind-manipulating tool on the earth.’†(Ruby, 18) The perception of black women in the media today can be damaging to the self-image of the young black women of today. During the Black Arts Movement, many artists and poets spoke of how white influence in our lives has created skewed beauty ideals in the African-American community. This white influence tends to harm black women’s images of themselves. Most female images seen in mainstream media are white, thin, tall andRead MoreAnalysis Of Sweetness By Toni Morrison1572 Words  | 7 Pages In an effort to explain the impact of colorism in black communities, Rita B. Dandridge once stated, â€Å"In African American culture, class bias is the handmaiden of intraracial prejudice that privileges the near-white or light-complexioned person over the darker-hued.†These privileges include more desirable jobs, houses in more prestigious neighborhoods, and better educational opportunities based on one having a lighter skin complexion. Since whites have more privileges in society simply based onRead MoreRace Film : The Great And Only Essay10250 Words  | 41 PagesGreat and Only: The Life of America s First Black Filmmaker From the very beginning of the early stages in American cinema, African Americans had a presence on the silver screen. The twentieth century created a new era of cinema that consisted of films produced for and targeted to an all-Black audience. â€Å"Race films†which existed in the United States for over thirty years (1913-1948), were films produced by African Americans that focused on Black themes and highlighted the talents of African
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Role Of Gender Challenging Role Models - 1710 Words
The use of gender challenging role models in the classroom is a method I am going to use during my final professional practice and during my year as a Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT). I am going to use these demonstrate to both girls and boys that the media depiction of success is not accurate and that success can be measured in various ways. Role models such as Marie Curie, Dian Fossey and Mary Anning are good historical figures to use but children could see these as dull despite their achievements. Although I do consider the use of these women as role models important, I feel that a role model who children can relate to and that they see in everyday life would be more successful in challenging gender stereotypes. To encourage girls’†¦show more content†¦The importance for teachers to be positive role models is set out by the government in the Teachers’ Standards (Department for Education, 2011). I believe, as a male teacher, that there is an extra responsibilit y for me to model gender neutrality. I believe it is important for the boys in my classroom have both a positive masculine role model and a male figure in their life that is not afraid to embrace ‘so-called’ feminine aspects of life. I would like the boys in my classroom to understand that there are not boy jobs and girl jobs both in school and at home. I will model this by explaining my role at home; doing the dishes, hoovering, ironing and being a family man; activities that some may see as not very masculine. I will show that there is no such thing a ‘girly’ colours by wearing a pink shirt from time to time. Most importantly I would like to challenge boys’ perception that education is feminine. Although research totally refutes the assumption that boys’ attainment improves when they are placed with a male teacher (Drudy, 2008; Francis et al, 2008; Read, 2010), There seems to be a particular kudos that some male teachers get from children. W hether this is due to their minority status in primary education (National Union of Teachers, 2016) or due to masculinity being given a superior social standing (Skelton, 2011a). Consequently, it important for male teachers to use thisShow MoreRelatedThe Dynamics Of Gender Formation1034 Words  | 5 Pages The Dynamics of Gender Formation Although some people believe that the sex role theory or the socialization model of gender as a process, in which we absorb instructions prescribed by the social institutions to act in the acceptable way to our biological sex, is a trivial issue, it is in fact crucial in terms of today’s concern over the gender formation. 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Therefore, ‘what is usually referred to as our identityRead More Culture, Race, and Gender in Sports Essay696 Words  | 3 PagesCulture, Race, and Gender in Sports When a person of a specific gender enters a non-traditional sport for their gender/sex, many social and moral issues will arise challenging that person involved in that particular sport. The intentions of the individual will be questioned as well as their personal interest in the sport. Before any of these questions are asked, there must be a redefinition of gender roles, femininity, and masculinity. In order for a person to enter a non-traditional sport forRead MoreThroughout The History Of The United States, The Concept1686 Words  | 7 Pagespursue their own education and careers, the concept of marriage has become challenging, causing two people who value independence so heavily to have to come together as one, and share resources. 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Argument: The author argues â€Å"that productivist agricultural models marginalize womenRead MoreChallenges for Women in Leadership Roles1121 Words  | 5 PagesChallenges for women in leadership roles A recent study by the Australian Government Department of Social Services (2008) looking at the challenges facing women in leadership roles highlighted the following areas as being significant; †¢ Culture - What are the forces that lead to a male dominated culture in this organisation? What does the term male-dominated culture really mean? What does cultural fit connote in this organisation? Does the concept of cultural fit perpetuate homogeneity and withRead MoreThe United States1489 Words  | 6 Pagesintrinsic entitlements as Americans. The word equality refers to a multitude of ways citizens can be viewed and treated equally. Political equality means citizens have an equal voice in the choices and outcomes of government actions regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or creed; everyone is regarded as equal in the governmental sphere. ...the idea that each person, being of equal intrinsic value as other human beings, carries the same weight in voting and other This also signifies
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Critical Lens Essay free essay sample
When going through a rough patch in life, someone may notice and come to terms with things about themselves that they didn’t come to grips with before. In other words, â€Å"In times of adversity or hardship, one’s true character is revealed. †In Ellen Foster, a book about a young foster child by Kaye Gibbons, Ellen faces many challenges. These challenges include the suicide of her mother, the abuse and unavoidable death of her father, and rejection from family members which led her to be moved from home to home. In the end, however, she learns that she’s never had â€Å"the hardest row to hoe†and proves that she is a survivor. I agree with this quote because of the major relevance it has in fictional Ellen’s life. Ellen is characterized as a lonely young girl. For example, Ellen’s first words in the book were; â€Å"When I was little I used to think of ways to kill my daddy. We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Lens Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †Her father was an alcoholic, racist, and not to mention cruel and heartless towards Ellen, he was Ellen’s earliest hardship but helped her grow as a person in the end. As a result of her father being so mean, Ellen always strived to be the opposite. Following this trauma, her mother killed herself, most likely because of the father, which in itself is overwhelming and heartbreaking for a 10 year old. During all of this Ellen is always very close friends with a little colored girl named Starletta, as much as Ellen doesn’t want to be like her father, she still can’t help being racist because of her own fathers influence. She may not be able to control who’s child she is or how much she looks like her father, but Ellen eventually learns she can take the way she feels about other people into her own hands. What you had better worry about though is the people you know and trusted they would be like you because you were all made in the same batch. You need to look over your shoulder at the one who is in charge of holding you up and see if that is a knife he has in his hand. And it might not be a colored hand. But it is a knife†this is where Ellen realizes she is wrong in all of her stereotypes. Colored peop le have never wronged her personally. It’s Ironic because It was always her own family, her own WHITE family that was cruel, and spiteful to her. In the end she even invites Starletta over at her â€Å"new mama’s†for a sleepover. Ellens final say of the matter is â€Å" I came a long way to get here but when you think about it real hard you will see that old Starletta came even farther And all this time I thought I had the hardest row to hoe. †In this she means generally speaking, African Americans have had a rougher start in their lives as stereotypical whole than any white man will have to go through, and she is just now appreciating the fact that she does not have to fight to be an equal with the world. â€Å"In times of adversity or hardship, one’s true character is revealed†is undeniably the most relevant theme in Ellen foster. Ellen’s loss of her parents and rejection from her loved ones eventually makes her realize that colored people aren’t bad like she was raised to think they were, and that her own family was who she should have been ashamed to be around her whole life. Among other things she comes to terms with the fact she is not the only person with a rough childhood, and she ends up not only in a new and great home, but with a new mindset. Racism is no longer a concern for Ellen and in that; she has grown closer with her best friend Starletta. Ellen was always strong, but by the end of Kaye Gibbon’s novel, she’s a survivor.
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